Gobi JSC submits the "Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) activity report" to the Mongolian Stock Exchange



10,000 debt instruments of Gobi JSC, each with a nominal value of 1,000,000 MNT, issued as a closed offer, were all registered in the securities register, according to a decision of the Financial Regulatory Commission dated November 24, 2021. Gobi JSC will trade the debt instruments through the over-the-counter market.
With the support of Tavan Bogd Capital UTsK LLC, Gobi JSC is able to successfully raise 10 billion MNT in "fully liquid" closed non-exchange market bonds. Leading companies in the mining and infrastructure sectors, the biggest private investment funds, nonbank financial institutions, and market leaders in trade and services all acquired the bonds, demonstrating that the needs of professional investors in terms of funding have been fully satisfied.
The main distinction and benefit of this bond is that it can be sold at any time and the buyer can redeem their money by adding the bond's full amount to the interest accrued during the period.
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