Why invest in Gobi?
From the preparation and processing of raw materials in the hands of Mongolian herdsmen to the delivery of the finished product into the hands of consumers around the world, Gobi JSC comprehensively manages all stages of production and transmission.
Дэлхийд гайхагдсан монгол брэнд
Бид үйл ажиллагааны шатлал бүртээ тогтвортой үйлдвэрлэлийг тэргүүлэх чиглэлээ болгодог бөгөөд Монгол ноолуурын тав тух, тансаг мэдрэмжийг дэлхийд таниулж ноолууран хувцсаар хүн бүрийг гоёхыг зорилгоо болгон ажиллаж байна.
Globally Recognized Mongolian Brand
Our mission is to make Mongolian cashmere accessible to everyone and to introduce the world to its comfort and luxury. Sustainable manufacturing is a top priority for us at every stage of our business operations.
Corporate governance
Gobi JSC, a Category-1 company of the Mongolian Stock Exchange, respects the interests of all stakeholders, follows good corporate governance procedures, adheres to transparent financial and operational practices, and upholds ethical standards while producing stable and long-term value for its investors and shareholders.
Growth strategy
We have created a strategy that is primarily centered on the global market, and we have opened an e-commerce platform in 65 nations so that you can order our products from anywhere in the world and have them delivered right to your door.

Operational excellence
We have integrated global management systems into our company's operations in an effort to become a household name for Mongolian cashmere. We also produce goods that are considerate of people, animals, and the environment as part of the sustainable development goals. As a result, we are able to produce products that are stylish, high-quality, and satisfy the preferences of customers from all over the world. With a focus on distribution at affordable prices, we are constantly strivIng to improve. Our business partners, customers, herders, suppliers, and shareholders all make substantial contributions for this to happen. We are committed to advancing the value of our stakeholders and defending their best interests. We have implemented international management systems in our business operations in order to become a globally recognized brand for Mongolian cashmere. Additionally, as part of our efforts to achieving sustainable development goals, we conduct consumer-centered production that is friendly to people, animals, and the environment. We are working hard and continuously aiming for improvement in order to efficiently produce stylish, high-quality products that satisfy consumer demands and preferences and deliver them at affordable prices to every corner of the world.