Board of directors
During the intervals between the annual Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of Directors (the Board) serves as the governing body of Gobi JSC. In addition to providing general management to the company, the Board also oversees and directs business operations. The Board approves the company's strategic goals and business plans each year, keeps records of how the plans are being performed by reviewing the monthly reports and designates the appropriate duties. The Risk and Audit Committee, Nomination Committee, and Remuneration Committee operate to implement corporate governance. The Audit Department under the Risk and Audit Committee conducts an audit of the company's internal controls.
Regular members

Baatarsaikhan Ts.

Khulan D.

Amarsaikhan B.

Orgilbold Ts.

Munkhbat N.
Independent members

Gerelmaa D.

Jargalmaa A.

Khurelbaatar D.

Tseenyam B.
Board committees
Risk and Audit Committee
Chairperson: A.Jargalmaa Members: D.Gerelmaa, N.Munkhbat The Risk and Audit Committee, operating under the Board of Directors, has a primary objective to oversee the accuracy of the company's accounting and auditing activities, financial reporting, and compliance with accounting standards and applicable laws. It also plays a crucial role in establishing risk management policies and strategies. By monitoring the implementation of risk management, evaluating the expertise and independence of independent auditors, and ensuring adherence to internal controls and procedures, the committee enables the Board of Directors to effectively exercise their control functions. In August 2016, the operating rules of the Risk and Audit Committee were revised.
Nomination committee
Chairperson: D.Khurelbaatar Members: D.Gerelmaa, Ts.Baatarsaikhan The Nomination Committee, operating under the Board of Directors, plays a vital role in assisting the company's board with the selection policy for the appointment of Authorized Officers, Board of Directors members, CEO, and other leaders within the Management Team. Its primary objective is to define the responsibilities of these individuals and evaluate their performance. In December 2017, the Nomination Committee introduced new rules of procedure.
Remuneration Committee
Chairperson: D.Khurelbaatar Members: B.Tseenyam, D.Khulan The Remuneration Committee, operating under the Board of Directors, serves the purpose of establishing the salary and bonus policy to guide the compensation of the Board of Directors, Authorized Officers, members of the Board of Directors, CEO, and other leaders within the management team. Additionally, the committee plays a crucial role in determining the company-wide salary and bonus policy, ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations. It provides recommendations and conclusions aligned with regulatory frameworks, approves the annual salary and bonus budget, and supports the implementation of performance monitoring functions. In December 2017, the Remuneration Committee undertook a revision of its operating rules.